
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boldly go

The current house definitely has more color to it than any other we've lived in. The carpet is a modern shag styles with shades of tan, white, and dark brown. The wall color is a great creamy coffee color. And we have gorgeous warm wood tones in our kitchen paired with stone tile flooring. It's making me feel more anxious to bring some brighter colors into our decor, whereas before I stuck with lots of black and whites with small pops of color (you'd kind of think it would be the other way around).

We originally purchased these curtains for our new bedroom but they were about a foot too long, and I really didn't want to change them. So instead we hung them downstairs (you can't really tell in the photo, but they're currently hung just a smidgen too high).

Forgive the wrinkled slipcovers. They sat in the dryer too long. 

I love the way they pop off the crisp white of our couches and pick up all the different shades of blue we have in our living room. I really need to get a new curtain rod in there (we're working with leftovers from the old house and they're really not looking so hot) and move them down to touch the floor, but having them up at least makes the room look more put together.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

To the walls

Officially, we've been renters in our new house since April 9. But we still had "ownership" of our (rented) house in Oceanside until May 11 and we were back and forth between the two up until the last week. So we've been in this house and only this house for about three weeks now. There's a lot to be unpacked yet. And a bunch of stuff I'm worried will never be unpacked (note to self: losing almost 400-square feet of space is a big deal). But for now, I'm unpacking the stuff that we love and that makes us smile. Because if I can only have a few things our new home, they're going to be our most favorite things.

Mirror purchased locally at The Estate Sale Warehouse. It's 3' x4', framed in gorgeous unflawed woodwork, and I scored it for a measly $50!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

We're baaaaaack

Yes, that was meant to be very Poltergeist-y of me. I hope you're sufficiently creeped out for the day. 

There's one way to describe me, and that's with this quote I've been know to say (as far as I know, it's my own): "All my life I've wanted to be something; now I think I just want to be normal."

I've wanted to be a teacher, a marine biologist, a journalist, an actress, a model, a librarian, a fashion designer, a stay-at-home mother, a trophy wife (you're welcome feminist movement), a financial name it, it was probably on my list. But more than anything now as I'm closing out my twenties with a husband, a chihuahua, a failed attempt at home ownership, and a kick ass day job I never thought I'd find myself in, I really just want to live life without worrying about what I want to be when I grow up. Because I'm in the process and I still have no idea. 

You're probably wondering what this has to do with blogging. That list looks a lot like my dream-job list. I've blogged about the vintage lifestyle, vintage fashions, decorating and renovating, random useless crafts, traveling, moving, losing weight, modeling...and I've had about four different blogs (including this one). I change my mind. A LOT. Therefore my blogs usually get changed too. I used to write under Two Nuts in a Shell (.com), but now that we've since added our pup, it seemed only natural to return back to my old blog-stead, with a minor alteration. Because at least I know that by keeping my blog name generic, I can blog about anything my mind kicks out at me. And sometimes that's everyday, or once a week, or twice a month. I might be redecorating, working on my life long ambition to get organized, or blog about moving because that seems to be a pretty common thing in this family (this year we celebrated 7 years together; we also "celebrated" our eighth move). 

So here we go. Life. Normalized. Ish.