
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Pinterest Challenge {part 2}

I shared last week that I was going to partake in YHL's seasonal Pinterest Challenge for the first time ever. I perused my Pinterest boards to find just the right inspiration (or as Sherry would call it, pinspiration) and came up with these.

(find these pins: one, two, three, four)

I opted to go with pinspiration number two, which is a galvanized tin adorned with a vintage graphic label (the original pin came from my computer, but I saved it from The Graphics Fairy). I was trying to be budget savvy and I knew I had all the supplies for this on hand (minus the Mod Podge, which I needed more of anyway). I grabbed my tin that I'd picked up from Michael's last spring/summer for $13. How do I remember the price? I never took the tag off the bottom! Oops!

I chose and printed my graphic (from none other than TGF), but before I started Mod Podge-ing away, I decided to add a little something extra. I busted out my rusting kit (from my failed attempt to rust our bed that I shared with you here) and painted the handles with the iron paint. 

After the 12-hour dry time (I still hate that it has to sit up for that long), I applied the rusting liquid. Aaaaannnddddd...

Again: wop wop wop. This is now the second time I've tried to use the Sophisticated Finishes rusting kit, and this is the second time I've been highly disappointed. I made sure to generously apply the iron paint (an easier job this time than the bed since I was only working with such a small area) but the rusting only occurred on two random spots on one of the handles. At least I don't feel so bad for the epic fail on the bed frame. 

Meanwhile, I took my label and tore the edges slightly so it wouldn't have a perfect scissor-cut look. Then after some crumpling and steeping it in a bath of Earl grey tea for age... 

...I applied a smattering of Mod Podge. It now resides as a trash can in our laundry room. As far as my other pinspirations go, I'd still like to try and tackle them in the near future. Now that I have one successful pin-turned-project under my belt the others don't seem as difficult to start. 

Check out the other takers here on YHL's Summer Pinterest Challenge!

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